Little Women

I've got the 1990's version of Little Women on right now. The one with Winona Ryder, Susan Sarandon, Kirstin Dunst, Claire Daines and some other woman who never got famous.

It's been a really long time since I read that book, and while I don't remember particularly liking it that doesn't mean much. But if this movie were the only thing to go by, then I'd declare it plastic, contrived and dumb. I don't think I've seen a movie with such wooden delivery of antiquated language in, oh, I don't know, ever. Winona Ryder is especially bad. The nobody isn't doing to bad, actually, but the rest pretty much suck. But I'd have to conclude that either Louisa May Alcott is a very bad writer who rode to fame merely by being a woman in a time of men, or most people involved with this movie entirely missed the point.

Big thumbs down for this one. Time to change the channel.


Winona almost ruined "The Age of Innocence" for me, accents are not her forte'.
Dale said…
Does Winona narrate it like she does nearly every film she's in? If she did a voiceover to the footage of her shoplifting, it might be a fun performance to watch.
Cup said…
We watched the June Allison version recently. I gave it a meh.

And I'm with you, WP; Winona ruined The Age of Innocence for me; every moment she was on screen, she knocked me out of the moment.
Jenna said…
Sure all the little women suck, but at least there's Christian Bale. At least they have the decency to reward you with some eye candy.

"And I'm with you, WP; Winona ruined The Age of Innocence for me; every moment she was on screen, she knocked me out of the moment."

Don't get me started on "Bram Stoker's Dracula"...


By the time he is fifty and people will look back at the body of his work, instead of his body, they will discover that Christian Bale was one of the greatest actors ever.
Winnona makes me itch in a way that makes me want to kick her into next week. Not overburdened with talent, that one. Only Jolie made Girl Interrupted watchable.

I agree: Bale is oustanding. Even his Batman is exceptional.
Melinda June said…
You are all so right about that Winona Ryder. Can't act, sounds like an aging cupie doll, ruins every period flick she's in.

I haven't seen Batman, but I must also concur on the Christian Bale thing. Sex AND talent on legs, that one.
Jenna said…
Hey, I've thought CB was a great actor ever since Newsies. And that wasn't anywhere near his apex. Hahaha.

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