The miracle of the toothpaste

Twice a day for the last two weeks, I go to brush my teeth and I think, Sheesh! I gotta go buy some more toothpaste. But there is food in the house so I don't need to go grocery shopping and I have a whole list of things to buy at Boots the Chemist that I don't want to purchase until after payday, so I think, Please God, let there be enough for one more brushing.

And lo, the Lord has HEARD my silent prayer, and each time I squeeze the empty, flat tube I get just enough for a sparkling clean mouth.

Loaves. Fishes. Toothpaste.

He is a generous God.


Ben-Bob said…
Maybe the next time you squeeze you'll get wine.
Cup said…
I keep my travel case packed at all times, so I usually have a couple of travel-sized tubes on hand during those squeeze-until-you-can't-squeeze times. Takes the fun out of living on the edge, though.
Kireliols said…
Too bad you wasted your answered prayer on toothpaste instead of a never ending wallet.
Joe said…
God values good hygiene. Amen.
Thymm Symmz said…
I had the same experience with my toilet paper...
As long as you don't have to hammer or mortar & pestle the tube...

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