Tom Jones is well brilliant

I'm watching the Diana concert on telly while I catch up on blogging and newspaper reading and NY crossword puzzles and other things. We've seen Duran Duran, Lily Allen, Nelly Furtado, Orson, that guy from Supertramp, Elton John, and the Feeling to name a few, and Tom Jones blew them all out of the water. He looks great, he sounds amazing and he's dead sexy. He sang an Arctic Monkeys song and was funkaliciously unbelievable. He is did a duet with Joss Stone and was dripping with charisma.

How does he do that? He should bottle it, man.


Tanya Espanya said…
I LOVE Tom Jones! I saw him once in concert a few years ago and the guy is totally incredible. As you say, he's funkalicious and totally charismatic!
Kireliols said…
Tanya- did you feel compelled to toss your undies at him? Husband works in entertainment and has had to "clean up" after Tom- lots of undies -from what I understand, not all clean...some with love notes in them!

He does have that certain something, I agree.
Tanya Espanya said…
Kirelimel, I did see the old ladies throwing their items, including a gross pantyhose (!) but my sister and I didn't partake. So nasty!

Who enjoys this song: The Young New Mexican Puppeteer? (perhaps one of THE weirdest songs ever)
Joe said…
YES!!! That's what I've been saying for years Melinda!

Thank you for recognizing the singular brilliance that is Sir Tom Jones.
Cup said…
Dammit! I missed Tom Jones. Love him. Saw him live once, and would love to see him in concert again.
BeckEye said…
Damn, I missed the show. I wanted to see the double D. I'm sure VH1 will replay it about 500 more times before the summer is over though.
VaughnV said…
I watched the entire concert, and I gotta say (and Mindy will get this because I always banned her from playing folksy, wavering-voice, screechy-soprano music when we rode in her truck together in Seattle), LILY ALLEN DRIVES ME NUTS! Grrrrrrrrrrl needs to stop singing about smiling, shut the hell up, and just do it! ARGH!!!

Luckily, I watched the concert via DVR and could pause long enough to fast forward through the recaps that included Lily's "Smile"! OY!
VaughnV said…
P.S. I also watched the Matt Lauer interview with Princes William and Harry, and am I the only who thinks that Harry is WAY hotter than William? His looks... His smile... His charisma... His personality... His attitude... His honesty...


Not to mention that Harry was looking mighty filled-out in those BAGGY khakis!


Happy Fourth O' July to those Stateside and our expatriate friends & families living on foreign soil in such troubled times.
Doug said…
Regarding the throwing of panties at Mr. Jones... you women are insane. The last time Mr. Jones was at the casino where I work we picked up about 75 pairs of underwear, plus there were some bras, room keys, notes, flowers, and other assorted "Come and get me's".
I actually stuffed about 30 pairs of panties into one of our handheld confetti cannons and fired it off backstage after the show. It worked suprisingly well, since we had to actually remove panties from the ceiling tile grid! You don't get a chance to operate a Pantie Cannon very often in life.

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