It worked

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:

* hurt (11x)
* retard (10x)
* crap (1x)

Where did crap come from? And why didn't it pick up badass? I wonder how it would react if I started talking about beavers and pussy cats?


Ha, you hussy, I'm only a PG! Which is odd because I feel I am generally much freer with the f-word than you are. Probably because my mom doesn't read my blog.
BeckEye said…
Hmm, my blog was just rated "Awesome."

Actually, it was rated R because of:
bastards (2x)
zombie (1x)

Bastard zombies? I've said MUCH worse! I said bullshit like 3 times yesterday alone, and I'm sure I've dropped the F bomb at least once.
Dale said…
I can't wait until I'm talking and Beckeye just starts blurting out bullshit! at me.

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