Winging my way home

Tonight is packing night. Tomorrow I work, come home for a quick last minute check of the house and to grab my bags, and then I drive to my friend Patricia's. I have to be at Heathrow by 545AM Wednesday, and then I'm off for a relaxing time in the Midwest.

Hallelujah! The to do list for tonight is do-able so it shouldn't even be horribly late.

Friends are watching my house while I'm out, and there are workmen coming to replace windows and paint the interior, and gardeners coming to fix my horrible garden. When I return, I will be renewed and so will my abode. All good.

I won't be online for another few days, but will check back in once I'm properly on holiday.

I'm giddy with excitement.


Joe said…
Hey, if you're passing through Chicago get in touch. We'd love to meet you!
lulu said…
Have a wonderful time at home! Eat lots of corn and tomatoes!
Dale said…
Sounds like a great deal for you and the house! Enjoy!
Cup said…
Enjoy the Midwest!
Cup said…
BTW, I'm going to take a vacation day this week just so I can say "once I'm properly on holiday" in a sentence.
Melinda June said…
Corn, check. Tomatoes, check.

No time in Chicago this time, Bubs, but December is DEFINITELY going to work.

Wait until you see my cool hair, Dale. The deal is only getting sweeter!

Thanks, Beth. By all means, start using the Britishisms...take them global! And it will sound even better with a bit of a drawl.
Dale said…
Are you secretly flying me out so I can see your hair? I'll do it!

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