They say that, when the economy tanks and you can't see any way through your pile of bills and are wondering who you'll look wearing one of those barrels with shoulder straps, women buy lipstick and everyone goes to upbeat, escapist movies to take their minds off their troubles. But I'm here to tell you that any lipstick worth having is nigh 'bout $20 or more and you'll just end up regretting it, and Hollywood has not caught up with the times yet. Plus, it's Oscar season, so once you've seen Slumdog Millionaire your choices are sexy Nazis seducing children, attractive suburbanites mourning the death of their dreams, and nuns and priests talking about child abuse. (That said, I hear Gran Torino is a good diversion with a message, and if you don't hate Brad Pitt as much as I do you could probably sit through that Owen Meany movie where he ages like he's from Ork .) And while I'm as big a Kevin James fan as the next person, you can't ask him...
But yes, dull is not sexy.
Onward, single sister.
Sounds like everyone else would improve in comparison to this poor kid, even if you have to explain spontaneous water balloon fights and the strangely American pie-throwing fetish. (Diagrams usually work best.)
When I was a single unemployed mercenary dating for food (three weeks in my mid twenties), I could justify allowing someone to pick up the tab by knowing I could do an impression of charming and interested for 64 minutes, 20 seconds. It seems that the least one could do. (For the record I only had to escape post-entree through a restaurant kitchen once. Republican. Married.) We owe it to you to be at least interesting, if not dazzling and well-shod.
What is dating if not to be amused? (-sigh-) With SF Bay breezes and affection, Madame L.
I was hoping for something more along the lines of, "... and by the time we found my underwear, the fire dept. had arrived, so we had to...", but I'm a dreamer and slightly bent.
Now, the question is: does he have a blog and what did he have to say about your quasi-date? Hmmm...