Dirty little secret

I hate Neil Young. Seriously. Hate him. It's his voice, I think. It gives me a headache. But when I hear other people doing his music I realise that I'm not being fair. He's a talented one, that Neil.


lulu said…
Sing it Sister. I can't stand his voice, although he is better than John Fogarty.
Mnmom said…
Didn't he write and sing that strange song "Horse with No Name?". It was just three notes played over and over in that nasal voice. I've always loved Old Man, though. Great version - thanks for sharing.
Kireliols said…
Horse with no name was by America- and that song should be added to the list of songs never again played.

I LOVE Neil Young- but Mindy knew that, I think. Hey, I hear he's into model trains...

which then begs the memory of NAKED BREAD EATING MAN!!! still one of the greatest mysteries of all time.
Mnmom said…
Good call Kirelimel.

Naked Bread Eating Man? Is that naked bread, eating Man? Or naked bread-eating man? Either way you've piqued my interest.
Dale said…
I thought I hated Neil until I saw him live and then I was a changed man. I still have some problems with his voice at times but since he's so drop dead sexy, haha, that makes up for everything.

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