No good, very bad day

Everyone has one now and again. But as no-good-very-bad-days go, this one was one of the no-good-very-baddest of them all.

I am under serious deadlines at work. And I'm working on most of them with the same guy. Who is, shall we say, not my favourite. And the thing that amazes me is that he can spend hours telling you what you must do to earn his trust and respect, yet he does not once stop to consider that he also has to earn yours. I cannot fathom being that boorish. How can one not even pause for a second to acknowledge one's culpability for the fact that no one enjoys working with you?

You'd be proud of me...I kept my temper. (Okay, you can be a little disappointed, too, as my tempers make for better blogging.) I listened to him, and I continued to attempt to make my point even when he wasn't listening to me. When he asked me why I'd been repeating myself for 15 minutes I explained that it was simply because he'd yet to hear what I was saying. When I suggested I could continue talking all night, if that's what it took, I think he realised I meant it. He agreed to set the meeting tomorrow that I'd been asking for.

He's been very busy. I should know, as I've been writing all of the briefs that are currently draining his energy. And he wanted to get home to his family. I understand. My house is only 5 minutes from the office, I've got stacks of homework to do, and I was hours away from getting here. But I've been trying to pin him down to review concerns with our project for almost a week now (four business days, to be exact,) and he only made time for me this AM. Now we've thrown out all of our original plans made over the last two weeks, and have three days left to write an entirely new proposal, and that deadline may be shortened to two since he neglected to mention until earlier this evening that he is out of the office on Friday.

He treats me like I'm a mouth-breather with shiny lips of drool. Fair play to him...he has standards, and I haven't earned his trust and respect yet. Good thing he's a complete asshole and I don't want it anymore.


lulu said…
"He treats me like I'm a mouth-breather with shiny lips of drool." Genius.
Old Lady said…
Most men have selective hearing and they use it in the workplace all too frequently. What's equally as bad is when a circle of men cloister in a small hallway talking BIG BUSINESS and WILL NOT LET THE LOWLY ADMIN (ME) PASS because their pee-pees are interlocked.
Old Lady, talk like that can be a real ice breaker where I come from!

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