What the world needs now

There is not enough Kath and Kim in the world. Just saying.

For that matter, we could do with a bit more Campus Ladies, as well.


Dale said…
We're on a brain wave. I was just complaining about the fact that they don't air Kath & Kim here on the old blog today! I've seen the first three episodes of their currently airing series by downloading. They could at least run it on BBC Canada couldn't they? Can you talk to them for me?
Melinda June said…
Weird. I hadn't read it at the time. Obviously great minds are yet again thinking alike.

I'll get on the phone immediately. BBC 2 is well into the season.
Dale said…
I hadn't seen yours either.

I appreciate your power in trying to rectify this troubling situation with the Beeb. And now I'm curious about Campus Ladies. If you like it, I just might too.
Melinda June said…
Check out the outtakes on Youtube.
I LOVE Kath & Kim. "Chardonnay, Chardonnay you chunts!"

I could not stop laughing. I remember it clearly as it was the day of the royal wedding when I called and as soon as you picked up the phone I said "what on earth is she wearing on her head?"
Dale said…
My latest Beeb import is Masterchef Goes Large. Kath & Kim aren't in it but there's lots of tension as all the amateurs try to become master chefs! I wonder why they call the show that?
Tanya Espanya said…
Just finished watching the first season. Am dying!

So loving this show!

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