Requiem for a Dream

Martha Dumptruck is either on malaria drugs or psychedelics. Or maybe it's something for those nagging headaches. But CP is now wrong...she is not Miss Boring Blogger anymore. If only I could leave comments.

I live for Martha Dumptruck.


Cup said…
Y'all are going to get me addicted to Martha Dumptruck.
Joe said…
Wow. Is her blog just kind of...a list of stuff she does? And weather, and stuff?

At first I was encouraged by the stream of consciousness, yet somehow vague, dream descriptions. Then I looked further back. She's prolific.
Joe said…
Apparently you and CP have studied Ms. Dumptruck for some time. Any idea why she stopped accepting comments on her posts in September 05? She seems to have stopped some time between Hurricane Katrina and seeing the Corpse Bride. Could there be a connection?
Yes Bubs, we've been students of Martha for the better part of a year now. Her themes are generally a) what I did today; b) what I'm going to do today; c) what I should have done today; d) what c-list celebrities have died; e) the weather; f) her headaches; and g) (this one is new) her wacked-out dreams.

This is gawker slowdown of the utmost variety.
If she ever turns comments on, we might barrage her and totally freak her out.
Joe said…
So your observations are all from the post-comment period? What a shame. It would be so interesting to see her responses to your responses.

Huh. My word verification is "pigeg"

That amuses me.
Melinda June said…
Yes, all our observations are post-comment.

Beth, I'd be happy if you developed the addiction, too...I need companions in my obsession. Martha is truly fascinating. I am compelled to read her at least three times a week. I really want to know what she looks like, but I'm imagining stumpy, a bad haircut, and men's shirts.

I also think she's been abducted by aliens. She posts the weirdest alien pictures with no explanation.

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