Bat in tree

This is a horrible story. I'm never buying a real tree again.


Anonymous said…
Can you actually buy a Christmas tree in the UK? What, do they ship them over from Finland? During our rainy drive to Scotland I don't recall seeing many evergreens on that island.
One really should not fear bats. They are good creatures. Just a little strange if they're out of their element. I'm glad this woman seemed to feel humanely toward her little fledermaus.
Anonymous said…
My favorite bat memory was back in the 70's when one got into my parent's bedroom. There was a high arched ceiling and it flew around and scared the bejesus out of my mother. Dad took out the tennis racket and gave it a mighty volley as it tried to pass above. End of bat. Problem solved.
Melinda June said…
Yes, they have Christmas trees in England. They're not as lovely and full as a blue spruce, but they're perfectly acceptable. But it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they're from Finland.

One should ALWAYS fear bats, CP. Those little bastards will get you everytime. I feel that screaming like a little girl is perfectly acceptable in the presence of bats. In fact, I feel it is mandatory.

My favourite bat memory is either the time I had one in my store at work and then two in the house on Dayton Ave all in one night, or the huge bat in Blane's apartment that my friend Jim tried to catch in his bare hands. (He didn't.)
Joe said…
Oh my GOD (imagine my best Charlton Heston impersonation there) how did I miss this story?!?

Thank you for providing me with the best Christmas story yet this season.
urbangal said…
My dear sweet Mindy, bats are good. They are amazing creatures and I think kind of cute. Any animal that eat it's own wait in misquitos is okay with me.

It was probably pissed that it's home got cut down and then was sprayed with some white powder. An metaphor for what we are doing to the planet.

That being said, it would have scared the shit out of me too.
Melinda June said…
You're right, urbangal, the mosquito part is good. It's the flying into your head part I don't like. And yes, it happens. It's happened to me more than once. I swear their radar finds me.
Anonymous said…
Poor little bat...being chased by those rotten cats...My cat would have sat on him.

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