Pray for Fidel, please

So I had been approved for the study tour to India, and then I started thinking. There is a tour to Cuba. As a US citizen, I can't go to Cuba without a damn good reason. Education, now THERE'S a reason. So I decided to check into it. And I've been allowed to switch. In June, I will be traveling to Cuba, assuming the Treasury Department approves my request for a license.

This is really, really cool. We'll get to see first-hand their exceptional school system and health care. We'll get to do a community service project. And if he's still alive, rumour is that we may even get to attend a reception with El Presidente. Now THAT is an educational experience.

I have always wanted to go to Cuba.

I used to have past life dreams about how I AM Cuban. (Or, more specifically, WAS.) In the dreams, I am from a wealthy Havana family. I fall in love and marry a farmer/landowner that I meet while I'm strolling with my sisters on a lovely spring day. I move to his estate and we're very happy, but then I have an affair with the brooding neighbour. My husband catches us and is furious, but I beg and I beg until he agrees to take me back on the condition that I am never to see or speak to our neighbour again. This works for awhile, but then one day I'm in the garden and the neighbour confronts me and tries to get me to admit that I love him. I protest, he grabs my arm as I try to flee, and at that point my husband see us and he has a gun and he shoots us both. One dream would be too many mojitos and too much black bean soup. But I've had this dream a lot. Almost as much as the one where I marry Dennis Hopper and he systematically kills my friends and family before turning into Frank Booth and strangling me while laughing a sinister, wheezy laugh.

I wonder if I'll instinctively find my past life home?


Kireliols said…
Check out Pastor's for Peace- they are an organization that brings relief into Cuba- my brother went on a tour with P.P. last year- they got to see Fidel speak. I did get to check out some of the photos he sent my folks. Looked very cool.
lulu said…
I am SO jealous. I think I might have been Cuban in a former life as well. You must take tons and tons of pictures!!!!
Past life love? What about Bodhi?
I'm going to blog that story, by the way. Dibs.
Anonymous said…
I am supposed to be the re-incarnation of Isabella of Spain. Just so you don't feel lonely.

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