Little Miss Sunshine - Late Entry

Back in early October, beth hosted the "Little Miss Sunshine Pageant," wherein many in my blog community submitted a childhood photo of themselves. Since I live far away from any pictures of me in my younger years, I was dependent upon my family to email me one and for various reasons they had other things to worry about and I didn't get my photo in time.

My brother, however, has been scanning pictures lately and has now posted a series from my fifth birthday. I can now, therefore, reveal my five-year-old self in all my splendor. Too bad you can't see the culottes I'm wearing. They were short short ones with a navy/white/fuschia hawaiian floral pattern. I made some bold fashion choices from an early age. (FYI, I'm the girl. The surly one with me is my brother, Bob. He still makes that face.)


lulu said…
You were a blonde? Really? How weird that I never knew that. You made us think that you were a troll during childhood, but you were adoreable!
Melinda June said…
Thanks, Lu. Years 8 - 14 were not nearly so kind. Just don't have access to those photos. And yes, I was a blonde with long staight hair. Who'da thunk?
Cup said…
You were a doll -- and I love your hair! Sad that I missed out on the culottes.

And eight to fourteen were cruel years for most of us. I like to think those years made us stronger and cooler.
I love the looks on both your faces.
Dale said…
What a sweetie!
Melinda June said…
Thanks, beth. I agree that the geek years were character building. If only they banned cameras during that phase, too.

CP, knowing us, can't you just imagine the conversation?

I'm sure Bob will appreciate that, Dale.
Dale said…
You both look like great little fellas MJ.
Joe said…
That is priceless--are you suppressing a giggle because of your brother's expression?
Melinda June said…
Thx, d.

Those are the faces we make when we're thinking "take the damn picture, will you?" There are lots of very similar ones. My folks take time focussing.
Anonymous said…
Did everyone try to pinch to cute cheeks! down here they would to get some 'sugar'.

"Ohh I'm gonna get some o that shuga! This chile is soo sweet. Why jes look at dose demples, Maw, Maw, Maw (kissing cheek noises)!! Thus,Sugar is deftly transferred from child to adult.
Jake's Mom said…
That same sweet smile I remember.

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