Get-to-know-you-questions, vol 1

We all need ice breaker questions. Things to jump start conversations when they hit a seven minute lull, or to ask on a speed date to vet the crazies. Here's one you can use, plus when you ask it you'll have time to come up with a really clever response when they ask you, "how about you?"

(And please answer the question. Not that many people read my blog. Heck, I'll even turn off the no-anonymous-comments button for a week or so, just so readers who don't have google accounts can play. But it would be nice if you'd give me some clue to who you are so I can, in fact, get to know you.)

You're going to the Oscars and you know there is going to be a five minute tribute for some lifetime achievement. Whose tribute would you least like to sit through?


Melinda June said…
I'll go first. Hands down, Rob Schneider. Or maybe Crispin Glover. He creeps me out.
Melinda June said…
And frankly, I'm not a big fan of Charleton Heston, either.
michaelg said…
Sean Puff Daddy P Diddy Raisin in the Sun Combs- I hate it when rappers think they can act.

Pamela Anderson

Charleton Heston won't get a LIFEtime achievement award now because he's dead and people are still trying to pry the gun from his cold dead hands.
Joe said…
Tom Selleck.
Mnmom said…
Liza Minelli
She creeps me out
Phyllis Diller. Carol Channing.
Scott J. said…
Steve Gutenberg
Dale said…
Mariska Hargitay's. Every time I see her, I think, your mother's head got cut off in a car accident and then I feel bad. Plus, she's too damned earnest. Having said all that, I don't think I've ever seen her act.
Doc said…
I was going to say John Holmes but he's dead. How me get back to you. I'm sure there is some Hollywood putz that I would loathe even a five minute recap of their career, but damn if I can think of one now.

ShelbyB said…
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ShelbyB said…
Jim Carrey....shudder....I just couldnt sit through that.

Or possibly Tom Cruise, yak.
suzieQ said…
Angelina Jolie - one more syllable about her and I'll go into orbit.

Gary Busey - strange, very, very, strange.
brenda k said…
I like Gary Busey. He makes me feel very, very normal! Did you catch him on Celebrity Rehab? "I am not an addict, I am a participant!"

Bruce Springstein has always annoyed me and I have no idea why. I do a mean impression of him, "Hey hey now, I'm the boss, look at me, I'm the boss...."

Well, I dare say it's much better in person...

John Claude Van Dame also comes to mind. Vin Diesel, too. Total deal breakers for me...
Clarion Content said…
Jerry Lewis... I guess so long as I don't make it to this year's show, I'm safe. At least until they give one to John Travolta. Blech.

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