Home for the Holidays

Ah, home.

I had my flight schedule wrong in my head and so I ended up a) not having as much time to go out Friday night as anticipated, and b) having to get to the airport earlier than expected on Saturday since they wouldn't through-check my luggage, but I'm now safely in MSP. No guys immature guys with their asses in my face when they reached into the overhead, no recliner guys or scofflaws throwing air security rules to the wind, and a 21-year old kid on his way back from Chile mistook me for 25. Bless him. The lighting was poor.

The only tragedy of the trip was that I mistakenly bought a toilet book at Heathrow. I got suckered into one of those 2 for 20 deals at the Borders right as they called my flight, and I grabbed what I thought was a non-fiction history book with a sense of humour, but which ended up being written in one to two-page vignettes, obviously meant for crap-taking. Even though I am sure that the air of the toilet has never befouled its pages, just knowing it was a toilet book made it disgusting, therefore I left it with Bethany to dispose of.

First game of scrabble in, and thus far I am a loser. My brother did, however, do an emu impression in an attempt to show my mother an important play that would make him the winner, which made it all worth it.

Am happy to be here.

We be back online Tuesday for more christmas memories, and possibly some photologs of my hometown.


Ben-Bob said…
Welcome back! Hope I get to see you soon....
Melinda June! How can I send you caramels without an address?! Don't make me mail them to the Ben-Bob and force HIM be the sweets mule! (coldfriday@gmail.com, Darling. And I just made a fresh batch. Mad-ass Sticky!)

Dang. Now I am itching to see that emu impression.
Mnmom said…
Caramels? You can send them to me!
MelindaJune - say "hey" to Decorah for me.
Dale said…
Happy holidays!!
Roger Kaputnik said…
I was actually doing a kiwi because that's what I thought an emu was. I am not an ornithologist. At least I won the game.
Merry Belated Christmas!
Cup said…
I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a great New Year's.

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