Tuesday's 10

1. I seem to have developed a pattern wherein I am telling you 10 things on my mind each day. I hope that's okay by you.
2. I was inordinately sleepy this morning. People commented on it. I think I set my alarm too early and should have let myself have another hour of real sleep, not snooze button sleep. I have said it before. I am not a morning person. At all. I think this alone is reason for me to become independently wealthy so that I don't have to get up and be productive. Productivity before 10 AM is stupid. You up-at-dawn-chirpy-morning-people suck. And you're all so self-righteous about your fresh out of bed, everything done by noon mentalities. Admit it. You don't see us as different. You think you're just a little bit better than me because you get out of bed and can hold a conversation, don't you.
3. The air conditioning blew in the room that houses our servers, and so about 130pm all servers collapsed from heat exhaustion. I had no email, couldn't print or access shared directories or the internet. Nothing. Therefore I was forced to cease working and talk about EUROVISION, which is happening all week and culminates in the finale on Saturday. Oh, bliss!
4. Since I'm in London a lot and will soon be MOVING THERE (!) I have taken to using an Oyster card, which is our version of the frequent use card. I can't believe I waited this long. Not only is it cheaper, it is much faster and you feel like a local when you whiz it over the reader. It also works on buses as well as the tube, so now I'm learning to deal with the London bus system, too. A true sign of a local.
5. I met my friend Emmanuelle for dinner tonight at a new restaurant called dim T. They serve various non-traditional dim sum and pan-Asian entrees. It was actually pretty tasty, and we had a lovely conversation. And they served some mint iced tea that tasted exactly like Moroccan mint tea except cold and without the scaldy pot.
6. I have a new computer at work. It is shiny and fast, but it doesn't have all of the little programmes like flash media and java installed, which means virtually every website you go to doesn't work, and I don't have admin rights so I can't install them and therefore I am paralyzed. Grr.
7. There are certain nights when BBC Radio 2 plays country music. I find it very odd to be driving down the left side of the road through hedgerows and twisty lanes listening to Conway Twitty.
8. I received a most excellent package from The Girls. It has magic zit powder, also known as id rare minerals blemish repair. It rocks. Just a bit on even a suspected spot before bed eliminates it. Gone. Finito. No burning red threat for two days before a major eruption. No embarrassing need for over-coverage with the foundation to conceal a gigantic blemish. It just goes away. And there was some eyeshadow and some lovely highlighting powder and it was basically like Christmas in May. Thanks, Girls!
9. At least three times a week I thank the Lord that I do not have dandruff. Dandruff is very common in the UK. I don't much care for dandruff, FYI.
10. The Michelin Man has gotten really buff. I liked him better as a fatso.


Pam said…
Regarding item two: As a chirpy morning person, I'm here to say: THAT'S RIGHT! IN YOUR FACE! HA!

But I love you anyway.

Snork snork.
Mnmom said…
I'm with you on the morning thing - HATE when people say "Oh I slept in today until 7:30am!". Sorry but that's still the crack of dawn to me and I'll never adjust. I'm forced against my nature to get up and go to work with those morning freaks.

You said "programmes" - I'm telling everyone in Decorah that you say "programmes" now.
lulu said…
When Sharon and I were roommates back in our twenties, she used to jump up and down on the end of my bed and yell "Uppie Uppie!"

I can't believe I didn't kill her.
"You up-at-dawn-chirpy-morning-people suck. And you're all so self-righteous about your fresh out of bed, everything done by noon mentalities. Admit it. You don't see us as different. You think you're just a little bit better than me because you get out of bed and can hold a conversation, don't you."

Amen, Sister, amen!

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