Happy Thanksgiving!

I know that thanksgiving is two months away, but I am happy happy HAPPY about it today. I confess, I've been homesick lately. I think the permanence of my move has now sunken in, my friend Patricia and I have been busy with our respective jobs, so our Americans in England lifestyle has been on hold for a couple of weeks, plus I've hit the 10 month doldrums that you get any time you move...all in all, I've been dying for a friendly familiar face.

So yesterday my friend Tom and I were emailing. I sent him a link to a castle here that is throwing a thanksgiving party for beaucoup ££s. We decided if we win the lottery we could go, but otherwise it was aimpossibilityty. But Tom invited me to NYC for Thanksgiving instead. He and Georgie are having dinner with friends who also happen to be wine merchants, which means excellent food (from George) and excellent wine (from friends), and then Tom is responsible for the scintillating conversation. I jumped online looking for a fare I could afford, but alas, there were none under £840 plus taxes. No way.

But then I remembered we had a programme going there over these dates and I thought, "Hey! Maybe there's a spare seat!" And there WAS! It was cheap cheap cheap, and I can be in NY by Thanksgiving Wed night, and I can stay for a whole four nights/five days of funfilled NYC and Tom Time. I can go to see the Macy's floats, I can shop at Bloomingdales and Macy's for work clothes, I can have Indian food in the village, I can see a play (hoping for Avenue Q or Wicked), and if Blossom Dearie is playing over the holiday we'll see her, too! I am going to start practicing Howard with a vengeance so that I can entertain my hosts with ukulele hits. I am going to bring the cheese course from my favourite little cheese shop in Oxford. It will be much fun.

And when I return to England, two days later my friend Ms. Bethany arrives for three weeks of pre-holiday fun, and then we fly home together for Christmas!

OH! And then this afternoon, my friend Susan started planning her trip for the last few weeks of October, which means more guests and more fun!

Instead of three months of England and only England, I have one month until Susan and her friend Katie arrive, then I have three weeks until Thanksgiving hols, and then three weeks of Bethany, and then HOME to see my family and my friends.

How homesick can I possibly be?


lulu said…
*I* want to spend Thanskgiving in New York!!!! I spent a couple Holidays with Tom when we both lived on the west coast and we had the best time.....although, it seems to me that there were herbs besides poultry seasoning in use on the one Christmas that Tom fell into the fireplace... ;-)
Ok, I don't recall that particular event, Lu! Maybe there's a reason for that. But as Lulu can confirm, I am one of the world's greatest hosts, and as a Schottische instructor am without peer.
lulu said…
We were at Sharon and Scott's house. It might have been Thanksgiving, not Christmas though, I don't remember.

So, can I come for Thanksgiving? huh? pretty please?

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