Oh, sweet Dale. You have no idea what will be coming in the months ahead.
I'm glad I can be a source of amusement, Pam. Feel free to make me your wallpaper.
Ruthie, the best thing about having a brother is likely that we had very different tastes in clothes, plus what since he was skinny and I wasn't, HE likely got any hand-me-downs.
MG, what since you've known me since kindergarten, sadly you DID know this side of me. It's just that you didn't come to the sleepovers back then.
Min, it must be that you were always exponentially cooler than me (at least just when the sun was up apparently)that I never noticed you might have been a little nerdy too. And frilly. And yes, MnMom, if I had those pajamas today, I would proudly parade about the house in them, until Curt clubbed me. See www.jumpinjammerz.com
They say that, when the economy tanks and you can't see any way through your pile of bills and are wondering who you'll look wearing one of those barrels with shoulder straps, women buy lipstick and everyone goes to upbeat, escapist movies to take their minds off their troubles. But I'm here to tell you that any lipstick worth having is nigh 'bout $20 or more and you'll just end up regretting it, and Hollywood has not caught up with the times yet. Plus, it's Oscar season, so once you've seen Slumdog Millionaire your choices are sexy Nazis seducing children, attractive suburbanites mourning the death of their dreams, and nuns and priests talking about child abuse. (That said, I hear Gran Torino is a good diversion with a message, and if you don't hate Brad Pitt as much as I do you could probably sit through that Owen Meany movie where he ages like he's from Ork .) And while I'm as big a Kevin James fan as the next person, you can't ask him...
We've been picking out hymns and suits to wear at the visitation and crematory urns for the ashes and cemetery plots with a good view. My dad passed away at 1 PM on Father's Day. He'd been in excruciating pain, which progressed as the week went on. By Thursday night we had to up the morphine dose so that he slept all the time, but at least he wasn't writhing in pain. Metastasized bone cancer is an ugly, ugly thing. On Friday, I spent the day with him. I sat in the comfy chair in his room and read him my Managing Strategic Innovation prep work and case study. I guess I'm assuming it was the morphine that kept him sleeping, but we'll never really know. On Saturday, my mom and I played scrabble by his bed most of the day. There were some rousing plays, especially since she refused to let me play 'squab' and 'nori' because these were not familiar words to her and we didn't have an official scrabble dictionary handy. I called her a dirty cheater,...
Just arrived back from Wales. It was perfect weather. Sunny, blue, and relatively warm. I'd hoped to leave work early since we had a five hour drive ahead of us, but that went to hell by midday. Instead I left at 445, and managed to get myself home and packed by about 515. We stopped at the BP near the A5 to fill up the tank. Fortune was smiling upon us, and as we walked in to look for a flashlight and pay we were serenaded by The Smiths singing "There is A Light That Never Goes Out" , which is always a bit of serendipity, because it's just not that often you're going to hear that over the loudspeakers. All in all, we made good time. Around 930 we were hungry and I was skeptical that we would make it anywhere sane to eat before kitchens closed so I forced us to eat at a Burger King at the services. Bad decision. Not tasty, and gas-inducing - not a good thing with The Visitor. We made another stop at an ASDA near Swansea. We bought: A twelve pack of Tetley's Bi...
Instead, I will just spend the rest of my afternoon snickering about it.
I'm glad I can be a source of amusement, Pam. Feel free to make me your wallpaper.
Ruthie, the best thing about having a brother is likely that we had very different tastes in clothes, plus what since he was skinny and I wasn't, HE likely got any hand-me-downs.
MG, what since you've known me since kindergarten, sadly you DID know this side of me. It's just that you didn't come to the sleepovers back then.
I'm loving the large glasses, I had the same pair.
And yes, MnMom, if I had those pajamas today, I would proudly parade about the house in them, until Curt clubbed me.
See www.jumpinjammerz.com
The thought of an adult sleeping in these things might be the most unsexy thing ever.