Inner conflict, vol. 1

Point: I will not miss the stuff that passes for pizza in the UK. The crust is often the correct combo of chewy crispness, but the sauce they use is miserable. It's like they open a can of chopped tomatoes or tomato sauce and use it with no seasoning, not even salt and pepper. I like me a zesty, herby kick. It ruins the whole thing for me. It is also traditional to eat the pizza with a knife and fork. No slices. Everyone orders their own 9" pizza, and you cut it like a steak. At the very least, I like to eat a triangular slice with my hands. Even better if it's tiny little squares, allowing one to hoover vast quantities of pizza without the guilt of knowing how much you've eaten. (That is obviously a deep-rooted value established through constant exposure to Mabe's as a child.) Nope. Pizza in the UK is just so so. And I'm moving to CHICAGO, where they have a whole style of pizza named after them. Rock on.

Counterpoint: I will miss the chocolates. Even cheap chocolate is good here. Don't get me wrong. I know there are exceptional chocolates available in the US. Certainly there is merit in a dark chocolate bar spiced with bits of cayenne made by a small local chocalatier. But sometimes you want mass produced deliciousness in quantity, and Cadbury makes Russell Stover and Whitman's look like by-products from a child's plastic kitchen set.


Kireliols said…
A moment of silence for the blessed Star Bar...
Melinda June said…
OH! They make them again!! I'll try to put some of them and some real live jaffa cakes in my bag for your girls.
Kireliols said…
I, I, ...I am so excited to hear that STAR BARS are once again part of our world. Things don't seem so bad all of the sudden. And don't just put them in for the girls...(they get EVERYTHING!!)
michaelg said…
When you move back to the states you will only be 500 frequent flyer miles away from Mabe's pizza.
Que es el Star Bar?
Kireliols said…
It's a little slice of heaven, Michael.

And they are NOT NOT NOT the same as a payday or whatever passes for that here in the US. They are uniquely delicious and joyously addictive.
lulu said…
Pete's Pizza in Chicago is what you want for your basic, spicy, herby saucy strings of cheesie goodness pizza. They deliver almost everywhere.

ANd the Jewels frequently has 10 for 10 dollar sales that include the big Cadbury Dairy Milk bars.
Let us not forget Milk Tray.

Lu, stop calling it "the Jewels." It's JEWEL. Singular. What is it with you and Grant Miller?
lulu said…
That was a homage to Grant Miller. I call it Jewel.
Mnmom said…
Think I'll start calling my grocery place "The Cubs" - I like that sound.

MABES rocks. All the pizza here in Northfield is made by the same family of Greeks. They get in fights and someone opens a NEW pizza place, except they use the same recipe.
Melinda June said…
What are Greeks doing making pizza? YOu and that Italian hubby of yours should open a place and show them how it's done! Or do you know any Whites who might let you franchise the secret pulverized meat recipe from Mabe's?
Cup said…
British candybars are the best. My UK pal used to send me boxes of Crunchies, but I haven't seen one in ages. They used to carry them at Fresh Market, but they have disappeared.

Gifted Typist said…
Yes Beth, Brit chocolate bars are good cuz they don't use that anti-melt stuff. I agree with the assessment of pizza in the UK. And what do they do with popcorn???? They go for sugar instead of salt.
Melinda June said…
Yeah, that sugar popcorn stuff is miserable. I hate it when I forget to tell the cinema guy I want salted popcorn, not that sweet crap they give everyone else.

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