Great moments in my christmas history

Nice camera angle.
No wonder my mom was always telling me to sit like a lady.
Luckily, though, that's just a bit of teenage cellulite and not a full Britney.


Some Guy said…
Do you remember what you got?
Sonja said…
oh my god. that is the funniest picture seen in a long while. keep 'em coming.
Melinda June said…

I aim to please, Sonja.
Mnmom said…
Love that shot! Those boots were made for walkin!
I think I see an instamatic camera up there, I had one too.
Scott J. said…
I don't think that's what they meant by "blue Xmas", MJ. Sassy!

urbangal said…
Nice glasses. I think I had the same pair when I was a kid. Also love the vintage chair with the blue throw on it. Classic!

But I do love those boots! Funny how us chubby gals had a sense of fashion even back when all they offered in terms of clothing was "Husky." Ha!
lulu said…
I always got the sit like a lady comment too. Now I just wear pants.
Thymm Symmz said…
There are so many questions...
1. you've had red boots your whole life?
2. is that the Kodak flash tower?
3. did you have your initials in the glasses?
4. why blue slipcovers?
5. why was the photographer lying on the floor?
michaelg said…
How on earth did I miss this post?

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