British Phrases I'm Picking Up
All of the following have come out of my mouth in the last few days. (And Mom, nice people use these phrases, at work even, so don't fret if they sound off color.) bloody hell bugger, bugger, bugger (best said in threes under your breath, or as a single bugger with emphasis) bits and bobs blimey (draw it out like a horse's neigh for best effect. Kind of the uffda of England) bum (for butt) right chuffed (means really excited or pleased. "Right" and "Proper" are used to suggest very/extreme/perfect/good, kind of your all-around positive modifier) crickey (yes, crickey. Means "wow".) it's in the boot (meaning the car trunk) brilliant (roll the "r" for emphasis, if you wish) keen (as a verb) we're dead chocker (meaning very busy. As with right and proper above, "dead" is also an all-around modifier, and can be used in either positive or negative phrases to emphasize that you're pretty...